Every day we see treatments and surgeries posted on social media, television, and hear people talking about what they had done. Quite often, patients will come to us and say, “I want what SHE/HE had!”, without knowing the whole story. Choosing your treatment plan isn’t as easy as seeing a delicious plate of food on a magazine cover, or a Pinterest recipe (insert “Pinterest fail” here) and simply following the recipe to completion! Everybody is different, and so is every BODY. Not only do different people and different body types have different needs, we don’t always know the whole story, or someone’s medical history. It’s important to know the backstory, the facts, and limitations of what you are interested in.
One of the very most common copycat requests is related to breast implant volume. It’s so easy to look at a friend or model and say “I want my breasts to look just like that!”. While it’s a great start and helps to give your surgeon an idea of the aesthetic you desire, it might take some tweaking to tailor fit that plan to you. Dr. Snyder frequently tells patients that implants, are like a shoe size. We have to pick the one that fits you, and shoes fit in different ways, just like implants! So we spend a lot of time talking about outcomes, looking at Dr. Snyder’s before and after photos of real patients, and utilizing all of the tools available to make the right choice together. What looks great on one body, may look completely different on another! What one person might pick out as a C cup, may be a D cup, or a B cup…you get the drift. That flawless face you saw on Instagram, with an advertisement for one single “miracle” product!? It’s surely possible that the product helped, but there’s a lovely feature called a filter…and fillers, and lasers, and even just good genes. It’s important that you ask questions, and trust us, we LOVE questions, so ask away!
Dr. Snyder and his team are here to be your biggest allies, your support team, and advocates, so it’s important that you have these conversations before any treatment! We love when you bring us pictures of what you want your desired outcome to be, because what you might think is “ideal” could be totally different than what we would have guessed you wanted. Everyone has different desires, different ideals, and different needs, and we’re help to help you successfully achieve those, but one of the first steps is knowing both our, and your, limitations! One of the hottest trends in surgery is hi-definition liposculpture, or abdominal etching. While it can be a great tool for the right body, it must also be combined with diet and exercise, and sometimes other treatment modalities such as EMSCULPT® to help activate and define muscle tone. We can never vouch for the authenticity of another photo, or another surgeons’ results. But we can help guide you down the path to success safely, and make sure that you get the results you desire!
Talking will not cost you anything, as we offer complimentary consultations, and all of us here at Snyder Plastic Surgery at the Breast and Body Center of Austin want to ensure you are fully educated about everything available to you! Our team of providers are board certified, educated in the safest, most current technologies, and have proven success rates. We encourage you to come in and talk to us about your concerns, no matter how big, or how small. We can work with you to come up with a tailored plan to meet your needs and goals and help you to RENEW YOU!