Lets Mention the Unmentionables!

By: Our Team

Let’s mention the unmentionables!

We get it, talking about your lady parts with a stranger, especially a male doctor, can be embarrassing. But it does not have to be! It’s bad enough that we must go for annual gynecology exam every year, and now we’re talking about female vaginal issues again!? We hear you, but we want you to know you are not alone! Vaginal rejuvenation is quickly gaining popularity in the United States, and there are more options than ever to help you regain your confidence and comfort! As with any body part, age will take its toll on our female anatomy, and women can experience issues with aging skin, volume loss in the labia, issues with incontinence, and elasticity. Add to that, the whole issue of childbirth and it can leave many women feeling embarrassed, struggling with comfort, and issues with intimacy in their relationships.  Many women are too embarrassed to even approach the subject, and that’s ok! Let’s break down the walls and talk about options here ladies. At Snyder Plastic Surgery at the Breast and Body Center of Austin, we have you covered! We offer both surgical, and non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation. 

One of the newest market trends, is non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation. This is often a great option for nearly all women! Even if you have never gone through childbirth, or if it’s been many, many years, the ThermiVa® radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation system can help! By utilizing radiofrequency energy, a thoughtfully designed, ergonomic handle, and gentle warmth, the ThermiVa® teats both the internal, and external components of the skin and tissue of the vagina. ThermiVa® is a non-surgical, non-invasive, hormone-free approach to regaining lost collagen and your youthful appearance. This treatment has been clinically proven to help rebuild collagen, improve skin elasticity and firmness, and in many cases, has helped with incontinence and improved intimacy. A package of three treatments is generally recommended, followed by annual maintenance touch ups.

“But I’ve really lost a lot of volume, and now I’m having discomfort when I sit, or during intimacy!” Maybe you need something more, in which case there are permanent, surgical options, with minimal downtime. A full, surgical vaginal rejuvenation is a great option for patients who struggle with chronic discomfort and pain from their labial skin. As the skin on the labia loses volume, or becomes stretched, it can get pinched in clothing, or during intercourse, and while some skin tightening is achieved with radiofrequency treatments, surgically removing the excess skin might be a better option for some! During this simple procedure, which can often be done with local anesthesia in the office, the excess skin is removed, and sutures are placed to allow the new skin to heal and close, often in conjunction with fat grafting, or the use of fillers. In these cases, either your own fat is harvested by a small amount of liposuction, processed, and injected into the labia to add instant, permanent volume, or filler can be used, which lasts an average of 12 months, and can be a great choice if someone is unsure about having permanent volume, and wants to try it out first! The combination of these procedures creates a more youthful, and fuller appearance, which can affect how you look in certain clothing, or bathing suits, and can be a great confidence booster!

A third option is the combination of these treatments, which often result in the most dramatic change for patients and can be bundled together as a package! It’s time to get control back of your body, and change the things that have always bothered you, but you were maybe too afraid to bring up! No one should ever feel ashamed to speak up and ask questions or ask for help! Our entire, highly trained team at Snyder Plastic Surgery at the Breast and Body Center of Austin is here to help, and answer all your most personal, and intimate questions! Schedule your complimentary consultation today and get on the roading to RENEWING YOU! 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.